When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hello out there! I have moved my blog to tumblr, because... Well.. Why the hell not? I still take pictures and if you'd like to keep track of them, you can either create a tumblr account and follow me or just save my tumblr as a favourite on your internet browser. Whatever floats your boat! I hope too see you on tumblr soon, where you're still welcome to ask me questions or just chat for the fun (I am funny, I promise!)
Here is my new url:  http://prang-ish-life.tumblr.com/

See ya!!! ;D

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Photoshoot themed "Abandoned"

I got the inspiration to take some pictures that expressed the feeling of being abandoned, here is some different ways it was expressed. It is not my best pictures but it was spontaneous and very very very cold.

Ps. My old roomie who is the model in this video also asked me to film her a little.. This was the outcome: 

- See ya!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Abandoned House

Some weeks ago I decided to get out of my home. I have been at home a lot recently due to lack of D-vitamin and therefore I have felt very exhausted just from going to school every day. But that day I wanted to go out and I took the car to an old building I once took some pictures in. This place gave me some inspiration and sometime this week you will see the outcome. For now you just have to do with some photos of the place itself.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Be patient!

Today and tomorrow I will not upload any pictures because I am very busy ^^' These pictures will be uploaded on Tuesday and Friday I hope! Sit tight!

- see ya!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 5

Today I have been creative all day... or it started after my mid-day nap xD This project will be revealed later on because I know my friends watch my blog and therefore the surprise for them would be ruined ;P

The theme for today was made up by my boyfriend, because I honestly didn't have any idea about what to take pictures of since I was too lazy to go out in the cold weather... But he chose "minimalism" and from that word I got an idea and took some pictures that are what you see down here. Hope you enjoy!

- See ya!

7 day challenge! Day 4

Today's theme is "fun in the basement" and yes, you may interpret that as something totally different than what it actually means, but hey!
I live in a basement okay?!?! So this weekend I have a friend over (seen in the picture below) and therefore I have extra little time for taking pictures so today is kinda messy but lets just say that in my basement nothing is missing... okay I have no food... But I got beer??? ;D

- See Ya!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 3

As mentioned before this is a 7 day project.

Today I have been super busy! No not procastinated-busy, but really really busy!
So the pictures for today (yesterday but schhh!) was all taken with my crappy phone camera… Sorry….
Well the theme for today was "traveling" as I did that a lot today. Hope you enjoy the crappy pictures ;P

- See Ya!