When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winter turning to spring

Hey, I was out taking pictures some days ago and I would say that finding a
motive isn't very easy at this time of the year...
I also slipped in the mud and had to hurry home and clean my camera...
But I got some okay photos :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Sorry for not posting so much but right now I have no inspiration and I'm
a little bit sick. But It's good I have my two lovely cats that takes care of me :)
My mom took the picture, and she has never held my
camera before so i had to tell her what to do.
Yes, i look like crap but when you're sick it doesn't matter.


Here some days ago, me and my friend decided to make a smoothie,
and we found this good recipe:
20 small strawberries
2 bananas
3 dl. yogurt
3 teaspoons of  liquid honey
some ice cubes
Then we added some vanilla because banana and vanilla is good together.
And it tasted delicious!
Very good when it's totally cold.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hey :) I haven't had any inspiration this past week, so i found some pictures of my 3 cousins dog that i took this winter.He's named Lucky but he should be named dumbass... xD
Lucky is kinda stupid, because he chases cars on the road
and he's been hit 1 time and almost run over by a bus -.-'
But here he is and i have to say, he attacked me just after taking the last picture..
(My gloves looks like play toys)

Right after i shot this photo he jumped at me and bit my
hand. But don't worry, my gloves is thick and it only hurt a little :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Light Painting

Well, at first i wanted to take some pictures of the fireworks this night,
but it was raining so hard that i decided to wait a year.
So instead i have taken some light painting pictures with my friend Laura,
and that was the first time so I'm not sure if they're good or not.
The one learning me Light painting was my friend Julie
If you wanna read about light painting go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_painting