When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nature :D

I took a walk in the wood with two of my friends last week and we ended up taking some photos.
Here's my five best :D

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Busy week ^^'

Sorry I haven't been updating it in here, but I've had an exam week so I've been busy..
Heres some photos I've taken this month.
Walking in the good weather just makes you wanna take photos...

At my way to my cousins house, I decided to take a photo of the lights.

Then, on my way home from my cousins...

Friday, March 4, 2011

First sign of Spring :)

Now when the Spring's finally on it's way, my mood is getting brighter and I'm ready to take 1000 pictures! :D