When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yup... Its all a mess again.. -.-'

Yeah.... I don't know how many times I've forgotten to put up pictures here now... But that just how it goes when you're a busy person I think?? And therefore there isn't any kind of theme in the pictures again.... Just a mess, like my head :P Well, I hope this is the last time this year.... I hope... Erhm.. Well, here's the pictures I hope you'll like them :)

We had a concert where the students where playing and I played
sometimes, but I was also a part of the sound technicians. 

One of the bands called "Lampless"... The drummer was at fault for that name....

In Denmark (and probably other countries) we
had one night with many shooting stars so me and a friend went
out to take pictures, hoping a little that we got a pic of one :)

Yeah.. Very bad quality but it was hard to see unless you edited it like this
I would love to say that the heaven actually looked like that...
But it's just Picnik's "automatic" button...
In real life the sky was blue :P

- See ya ;)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cup noodles for the win!

One of the days here on boarding school, I was sitting with my computer in a little couch, when a boy suddenly sat down with a giant beer glass filled with noodles. I thought it was so funny that I took a picture of it, and soon I found out that about 4 of the boys in school had bought one of those glasses, and sometimes they ate noodles of them and sometimes they drank cola from them... That's just typical boys I thought, but then I remembered that I forgot to wash my own cup and bowl, that had been in my room for a week, without getting touched... Probably not so clean anymore...As to say: Don't throw stones when you live in a glasshouse yourself...

Noodles... FTW.... :D

On the grass right outside my room in the early morning