When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Friday, June 22, 2012

I busy am!

Yes, sorry but I have only one week left at my boarding school so I have to wait until next weekend with some pictures, but then I also promise to give you A LOT of pictures! :D

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Roooooock it out!!!

This weekend I have been at a festival that was made by 4 boarding schools in Denmark.
One of them was my school and I was one of the sound technicians at one of the stages some time of the day, but I made sure to take some pictures too.
This is from one of the last concerts with a band from my school called "Lampless" which is a name the drummer kind of "threw" them.. By hitting a lamp in the rehearsing room with his drumstick... Kind of funny.
 But as you can see there is only pictures of the bass player and that is because there was so many people that I couldn't move, (oh, and people where thrown around by each other) so i decided to stay right in front of him, and since he was headbanging quite fast I also had to take 200 pictures just to get some good here and there... But please give me some ideas to what I should take pictures of next time! :D

Ever seen a Greenlandic guy rock this much?
I have... Him!  xD 
- See Ya! xD

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let me sleep!

Yo! A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night because something hit me in the face softly. I turned on the light and looked right into this moth that was sitting on my bed. Me and my roomie thought it was very funny and took some pictures before I let it out of our room again.
Here's some pictures I took of it, changed the color and light because my bed lamp isn't much light... 

See ya!

Ps. Haven't slept so well the last week or so... So sorry if my grammar is incorrect.. ;P