When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Monday, January 7, 2013

The light in darkness

Hellow there! Yeah sorry it slipped yesterday, BUT it won't stop me from putting it up today instead so I hope you forgive me just a little..
Well, as the title says, I believe in the saying that "there's always a light in the darkness", and even though it may seem hard to find, it's really there if you look close enough. I've had my times in the darkness, but even when I look back there's always been something or someone that made my gloomy days a little bright, maybe not the whole day, but just for a minute or two and that's sometimes just what you need to continue. This also reminds me... SMILE! Smile to everyone you see on you way! Because just that simple thing can be a light in ones day, and before you know of it you may have helped many people get a better day just from the little walk from the market to the car, or home to the bus. Just do what you want other people to do to/for you ;D
Well, sorry for the long post, but here's the pictures and maybe you find the little "light" theme in there somewhere ;)

Christmas eve in Denmark is celebrated the 24th in the afternoon
with singing songs while walking hand in hand around the tree
and afterward the gifts are opened.

New years eve I was at a friends house and her neighbor had
put up this nice lights that was reflected in the asphalt

- See ya! :D