When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Be patient!

Today and tomorrow I will not upload any pictures because I am very busy ^^' These pictures will be uploaded on Tuesday and Friday I hope! Sit tight!

- see ya!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 5

Today I have been creative all day... or it started after my mid-day nap xD This project will be revealed later on because I know my friends watch my blog and therefore the surprise for them would be ruined ;P

The theme for today was made up by my boyfriend, because I honestly didn't have any idea about what to take pictures of since I was too lazy to go out in the cold weather... But he chose "minimalism" and from that word I got an idea and took some pictures that are what you see down here. Hope you enjoy!

- See ya!

7 day challenge! Day 4

Today's theme is "fun in the basement" and yes, you may interpret that as something totally different than what it actually means, but hey!
I live in a basement okay?!?! So this weekend I have a friend over (seen in the picture below) and therefore I have extra little time for taking pictures so today is kinda messy but lets just say that in my basement nothing is missing... okay I have no food... But I got beer??? ;D

- See Ya!