When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In the French alps 2010 :)

These pictures are from my vacation in France last summer.
I hadn't bought my Sony a300 at that time, so I actually used my mobile and digital camera.
We where having it very hot in a little auto-camper with 7 people and 1 dog,
so we took a drive in the alps and found a parking lot at 2500 meters height.
I took the binoculars in the car and placed it in front of my telephones camera.
The pictures are not so good 'cause my telephone only has 3.2 megapixels...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Dream T-shirt :D

A friend of mine found this site called: http://www.spreadshirt.dk where you can make your own t-shirt. So I did, and I made it just like I am... Forever tired xD

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Charity Concert

Today we had a charity concert at the school... I was playing the bass and it went okay :)
We got 154,5 DDK and that was also our goal so we're happy :)
The money is going to the children in Africa that needs vaccination for measles.
I took some pictures while we where having a break.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

More photos

I got more photos from that day :)

The very sign of Thorning, a big pole.
When seeing it, i know I'm home :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Poem - Here I Come!

Maybe you know that I like to write poems, I write them to let go of my dark
thoughts, and this poem is a very good example, in the beginning it's dark,
but in the end i decide to choose the other side. :)

Need to get up,
Need to get out,
Need to breathe free.
Shout and cry,
Let it all out,
Free from you,
Free from me,
From the masks I wear every day.
Let it burn, let the dust be the remains of a dark time.
Missing colors, a smile and laugh.
Sunny days that lasts forever.
I need you, I hate you.
What I want?
Peace, love, air, wings.
Not an angel,
Just the feeling of being free.
No chains,
No pains.
Snow is white like the pure mind of a newborn.
What I want?
You, her, him, us to be happy.
I am almost happy, still, always shadows in my life.
Once I was gone and no one could find me,
The searched and found what the thought was me,
But an empty shell it remained, it smiled and laughed,
But I wasn’t me.
Now I’m here.
No more,
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
I now release my darkness, tears and bad times.
They’re small bubbles in the sky, the blue bright sky.
I smile, you smile, she, he, we smile.
I run, out in the light.
No more pain, I’m okay now,
I’m finally ready for the world to embrace me.
Hello World.
Here I come!

- Sorry it's so long but thats the way I wrote it ^^'