When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Poem - Here I Come!

Maybe you know that I like to write poems, I write them to let go of my dark
thoughts, and this poem is a very good example, in the beginning it's dark,
but in the end i decide to choose the other side. :)

Need to get up,
Need to get out,
Need to breathe free.
Shout and cry,
Let it all out,
Free from you,
Free from me,
From the masks I wear every day.
Let it burn, let the dust be the remains of a dark time.
Missing colors, a smile and laugh.
Sunny days that lasts forever.
I need you, I hate you.
What I want?
Peace, love, air, wings.
Not an angel,
Just the feeling of being free.
No chains,
No pains.
Snow is white like the pure mind of a newborn.
What I want?
You, her, him, us to be happy.
I am almost happy, still, always shadows in my life.
Once I was gone and no one could find me,
The searched and found what the thought was me,
But an empty shell it remained, it smiled and laughed,
But I wasn’t me.
Now I’m here.
No more,
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
I now release my darkness, tears and bad times.
They’re small bubbles in the sky, the blue bright sky.
I smile, you smile, she, he, we smile.
I run, out in the light.
No more pain, I’m okay now,
I’m finally ready for the world to embrace me.
Hello World.
Here I come!

- Sorry it's so long but thats the way I wrote it ^^'

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