When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last School Day :D

Last Tuesday we had our last school day, and on our school we do it with a BANG! :D We where all dressed as many different things, me as an cowboy and some others little red hood, pirate, Hawaii girls, bananas in pajamas, Rambo, Einstein and many others. We wen't to each class and threw caramels and yelled at them, they had to take their shoes of and throw them out of the window, turn tables and chairs upside down and yell that we where the best. Afterwards we had a show where boys and girls danced Single Ladies, teachers playing Total Blackout, getting cream puffs in the faces and nominating people to different things. Afterwards we got home to a girl and relaxed, then out to a lake and eating together. In the afternoon we got out to another girl, where we held a party and slept when we where too tired.... It was a fantastic day and I'll never forget my class, filled with funny, stupid and weird people xD

Frederik and Katrine from my class

Niklas jumping in the coold water

The Boys light show

Monday, May 30, 2011

R.I.P Thomas Harding....

This weekend I was in Padborg watching some motorbike races where my father should race to... The whole weekend was fun but cold and rainy and we had hoped for some better weather. Then sunday we where watching my dad and the other drivers in a race, when they said over the speakers that one had crashed, wich is normal. They drove off the track and I saw my dad driving with them, so it wasn't him... There came ambulances and people but they didn't seem to do anything, we where told that the rider had crashed into the iron wall and got hit by his motorbike afterwards. After 30 loong minutes a helicopter came and took him away. I was later told that it was my dad's friend Thomas Harding... They where all wery shocked and after 1 or 2 hours they declared him dead. He was a very known danish motorbike racer and only 41 years old with a wife and two kids, the smallest on 2 years. So I would like to ask you to hold one minute of silence for him and his family.... Rest In Peace Thomas Harding....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rain drops falling from the sky....

Heey xD Today we got the summer rain here... Have I said that I loove rain and thunder? Well I do! :D So when the worst rain was over I took my camera and went outside in my backyard. I got some okay pics and since I have my exams and all that this is probably going to be the last pics for some time... I am quite busy, which I didn't think I would ever be... xD

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My last weeks

Hey... I've taken some photos through the last weeks here and there... So I've decided to put them up together... :)

Taken in Czech republic in Must

A flower i got from my kind neighbor :D 

We had a small Bonfire... Very fun night :D

Making Light painting at the bonfire

My friend Yasmina making Light painting
- Hope I will keep this blog updated though my exams :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sorrryyyy ^^'

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything in a while... But right now I'm kinda busy with my exam and some other things... I'm trying to find some time taking some photos and I know where to do it, but haven't got the time in a while... So I apologize, cause I hate it when nothing happens in a blog.... :)

See Ya'll xD