When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Camino part 4

So here's the last bunch of pictures and then I promise you'll get some more updated photos afterwards ;)

100 km left!! :D

It's not always nice sitting in the rain for 1 1/2 hour waiting for the refuge to open...

The pilgrims even had their own signs... xD

Finally the trip ended in Santiago de Compostela in front of the Cathedral....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camino part 3

So here's some photos from my mobile camera.... The next part is gonna be the last, though I have many pictures, I don't wanna bore you with them ;)

yup, that's me, sitting in O Cebrerio feeling exhausted after a long day....

Quite many shoes.. even more in the afternoon...

In the morning it was foggy... Well, it was, down there :)

You can't see it but it was like going straight over a little mountain....
Not nice to my legs, feet and lungs!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Camino part 2

So here's some more of the pictures :)

The signs we followed all the way to Santiago

These are five times bigger than those in Denmark...

The last picture I took before my camera broke down...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Buen Camino! :D

Finally I have pulled myself down in front of the computer to put up some pictures of my trip to North Spain. As I've said before the pictures are not the best quality but I hope you'll enjoy them anyways :) I've decided to put the pictures up over the the weeks 29 and 30 because I'm gonna work much, so I don't have so much time for taking photos. So here's a few of the first pictures from before we started walking :)
I just love the view from the windows in the airplane!

Yea, me and mom are a little messy xD

Just liked the scenery...

Love their coca cola's... Very simple design
Oh and by the way: When we met someone that was also walking they always said "Buen Camino" and then we said the same to them.. It was the pilgrims way of wishing each other a good trip I think :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Still in Spain :)

Hey people :) Im still in Spain but I thought you should now some things that has happened while I was wandering (oh yea, I finished yesterday! Over 200km in 11 days... Don't know how I survived..) The first thing is... My camera broke down... The very first day we walked my camera suddently would'nt work... So only a small amount of the photos are from my bad camera, the rest is from my even worse mobile camera.. -.-* Well, at least I've had a great time and I met a lot of nice people here... So hope everyone is having a nice summer too!!! :D I will put up the pic's when I get home :)