When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Did you have snow for Christmas up there in the cold north?
Where you in mood for Christmas?
Did you have a nice Christmas?
Well, yeah...
Can you even enjoy yourself??
Uhm... I think?


- Line, the moody one..... ;P

Monday, December 19, 2011

Time goes by

Yes, time goes by, sometimes too fast and sometimes too slow.
Right now I don't know if it goes fast or not... I simply don't have the time to notice it.

Time is what decides our daily life.
I see the light come and go.
Am I awake or asleep?
Please teacher tell me!
My grades are going down.
With my mood and my sleep.
I seek the peace of music.
But time takes it away from me.
"Ding ding" the clock's ticking by.
I slam my head in the table and scream to the world:

Yup, the proof that I am a sound technician at my school 

Waiting for the bus in the dark, Denmark is cold, dark and wet...

But you can always find some light in the darkness.

Sometimes life just goes too fast....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Photos in the night

Hi..... ^.^'
Well, I've once before uploaded pic's of myself, and this night I realized that, when I have to look at myself in a picture and judge if it's good enough, I can't do it when I know others might come in, and give their meaning to me. When it's about to myself, I'm very easy to hurt... Don't know why, but I don't like feeling as wound-able, as I feel when it's about pictures of me... It probably sounds very egoistic.. But that just what I'm afraid of. Being egoistic. I've crossed that path before, and I almost lost my friends. It was probably pure stupidity and childishness, but I still fear of crossing the line again. All the pictures of me, is from my own room, the walls are blue, and I have posters all over the walls. When I take pictures, I find the blue color very nice, it's my favorite, and you can use it to get many different emotions in pictures. But it's hard work to take all the posters down, and put them up again when I take pictures :P I started out with a test photo with the posters on the wall, but I liked the photo, so I kept it anyways... Well, here are two of the pictures I took that night...
Hope you like them ;)

Oh well, At least I hoped you'd be surprised...
Here's an extra photo, just my eye though, but thought it was fun that my eye is green.
(Haven't edited in the color) But sometimes they are... And sometimes they're blue or gray.. xD