When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Wood is my Childhood

Woods, the fresh air, the wind blowing softly through the trees, sounding like raindrops on the leaves.
Silently and cautious the deers crosses the bumpy road,
while we can hear a little toad.
I sit down, studying the small spiderwebs, while the sun sets.
We walk to the car in darkness and silence, not having to think of things like violence.
We feel happy in the wood, both re-living our childhood.

So, well, yeah... My mom and I went for a walk in the woods one evening, and I decided to take my camera with me, and even though It was really cold and started raining, I got some decent pictures. I hope some of you enjoy the nature just as much as us, because there's only gonna be less of it from now on...
Well, next time I'm gonna put something up, it'll be in 2013, then I've had this blog for... 3 years I think? I really appreciate you guys out there that have maybe just seen my blog for the first time or come here from time to time, because I like sharing my photos with others, and even though I'm very bad at putting up pictures, some of you keep coming back... I'm very thankful to all of you!

I hope you all are gonna have a nice Christmas, or just holiday and a happy new year!

- See ya!

Friday, November 16, 2012

BAM! 3 months later huh?!

Damn... I'm sorry I haven't been here in a hell of a time... I just haven't had the feeling of photographing, and when I then forced myself they just felt... plain? But here I am! And since my life isn't a dance on roses right now, I'll do my best to keep this going in hope of letting this be just one little thing in my life that works out well! So here ya go, a bunch of pictures I took of my Roomie in the woods one weekend.
The pictures where taking trying to get the "old time" look on then (no, not "instragram"!)
that is why the ISO is so high on these photos. (ISO makes the picture brighter, but also in less quality)
Oh and once again.. I'm sorry... seriously...

Psst.... I'll update the first Sunday of every month from now on, and by then there'll be more woods, just without this crazy lady!
See Ya!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Finally back!

Because of me being lazy, no inspiration and other bad excuses, I haven't uploaded anything for a while... Sorry... But if you haven't already noticed, I used to write here every Sunday. I couldn't hold it for so long so now I've decided to upload every second Sunday so it's easier for me to get the time. Well, when that's said I also have some pictures to show you guys.
I edited them while I was with some family in Sweden. I personally think it's some weird photos - so why not show them to you? xD

It WAS a flower on the grass...

This is originally a very dark picture of a friend of mine.
I actually didn't take this photo but I liked the editing I did
myself so here it is. 

From a concert in the Boarding School

I have earlier showed you this photo of my roommate but here it is again
- anew in blue neon lights xD

I think I have posted this one time before too...
This time it's just like some underwater creature instead of my friend xD

Hope you'll visit my page sometime again. And you're always welcome to email me with ideas or critics :) or you can push the buttons underneath every post so I can see if you agree with any of the words ;)

- See Ya! xD

Friday, June 22, 2012

I busy am!

Yes, sorry but I have only one week left at my boarding school so I have to wait until next weekend with some pictures, but then I also promise to give you A LOT of pictures! :D

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Roooooock it out!!!

This weekend I have been at a festival that was made by 4 boarding schools in Denmark.
One of them was my school and I was one of the sound technicians at one of the stages some time of the day, but I made sure to take some pictures too.
This is from one of the last concerts with a band from my school called "Lampless" which is a name the drummer kind of "threw" them.. By hitting a lamp in the rehearsing room with his drumstick... Kind of funny.
 But as you can see there is only pictures of the bass player and that is because there was so many people that I couldn't move, (oh, and people where thrown around by each other) so i decided to stay right in front of him, and since he was headbanging quite fast I also had to take 200 pictures just to get some good here and there... But please give me some ideas to what I should take pictures of next time! :D

Ever seen a Greenlandic guy rock this much?
I have... Him!  xD 
- See Ya! xD

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let me sleep!

Yo! A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night because something hit me in the face softly. I turned on the light and looked right into this moth that was sitting on my bed. Me and my roomie thought it was very funny and took some pictures before I let it out of our room again.
Here's some pictures I took of it, changed the color and light because my bed lamp isn't much light... 

See ya!

Ps. Haven't slept so well the last week or so... So sorry if my grammar is incorrect.. ;P

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So summer's about to hit Denmark, and you know what that means?
Rain pouring down constantly... Really...
So while the weather is good I'll try to get some nice summer pictures.
Here's some I took in the weekend...

See Ya!

Ps. Remember to press the small buttons on my updates on whether they are cool or not, so I can take better pictures! ;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ma' Roomay! xD

Yo! So this time I haven't taken any photos because of a lot of different stuff, but I stumbled over a picture of my roomie, that I had taken to a party, and thought I'd share it with you out there :)
I have to say she's a crazy person but also a very talented one, dancing, playing piano, guitar, singing, drawing and photographing! It's not like she just knows how to do it, she's quite good at it!
I'm just very good at scaring her like hell... xD 

- See Ya! xD

Thursday, May 10, 2012


So I was on a trip to Amsterdam with my photo class, and here's some of the pictures I took.
Sorry I'm late and it's short but I'm in my exams right now and I have to focus on Danish and English right now..

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Photos in neon-light :)

Hey, here's some pictures of my friend from my school. We where at the hotel in Amsterdam when we decided to shoot some pictures on the stairs to the small basement bar... The hat is bought in Amsterdam and lights up in neon light, and my friend accidentally had very bright clothes on.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I was on a trip, OKAY?!

Hey... Probably forgot to mention that I was going on a trip to Amsterdam for a week and therefore wouldn't be able to kick some pic's into this page.. ^^'
Well, I was lucky that I already had some pictures ready to when I got home, but forgot to upload them yesterday... whoops... Never mind, here they are! :D

My first playing with eyeliner and lipstick .. tehe...

My photo project, on a t-shirt, hanging for everyone to see...

Another photo project, took the pictures on my school and have to state that none alcohol
was taken at the time, so the bottle to the lips is a sprite...

The sky was weird that day... This is right outside my window...

One of my friends eye... Notice that she has a brown part on her eye... Quite funny...

When getting bored in a kitchen xD
And I can't cook xP
- See Ya!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Photo Project!

Hey again! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything in a long time again, but there's so many things to do!
Gotta get someone to kick my arse every sunday until I upload some pictures... ^^'
Well, here's some pictures I'm gonna use in a little photo project we have on school..
I will try to upload pictures of the project when it's done. :)

From a little party at my friend's house

My thumb... Yup it was a class, and I was bored..

I don't like math but I love music...
Something you like with something you don't like

My feets.. I actually hate my legs because of my many scars...

My ear... A friend took it for me :)

We had to write our name in a creative way that expressed who we are.
I love music, I love to draw and I can't do either of the things properly without my glasses.. ^^'

- See Ya! xD