When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Photo Project!

Hey again! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything in a long time again, but there's so many things to do!
Gotta get someone to kick my arse every sunday until I upload some pictures... ^^'
Well, here's some pictures I'm gonna use in a little photo project we have on school..
I will try to upload pictures of the project when it's done. :)

From a little party at my friend's house

My thumb... Yup it was a class, and I was bored..

I don't like math but I love music...
Something you like with something you don't like

My feets.. I actually hate my legs because of my many scars...

My ear... A friend took it for me :)

We had to write our name in a creative way that expressed who we are.
I love music, I love to draw and I can't do either of the things properly without my glasses.. ^^'

- See Ya! xD

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