When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Monday, April 23, 2012

I was on a trip, OKAY?!

Hey... Probably forgot to mention that I was going on a trip to Amsterdam for a week and therefore wouldn't be able to kick some pic's into this page.. ^^'
Well, I was lucky that I already had some pictures ready to when I got home, but forgot to upload them yesterday... whoops... Never mind, here they are! :D

My first playing with eyeliner and lipstick .. tehe...

My photo project, on a t-shirt, hanging for everyone to see...

Another photo project, took the pictures on my school and have to state that none alcohol
was taken at the time, so the bottle to the lips is a sprite...

The sky was weird that day... This is right outside my window...

One of my friends eye... Notice that she has a brown part on her eye... Quite funny...

When getting bored in a kitchen xD
And I can't cook xP
- See Ya!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Photo Project!

Hey again! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything in a long time again, but there's so many things to do!
Gotta get someone to kick my arse every sunday until I upload some pictures... ^^'
Well, here's some pictures I'm gonna use in a little photo project we have on school..
I will try to upload pictures of the project when it's done. :)

From a little party at my friend's house

My thumb... Yup it was a class, and I was bored..

I don't like math but I love music...
Something you like with something you don't like

My feets.. I actually hate my legs because of my many scars...

My ear... A friend took it for me :)

We had to write our name in a creative way that expressed who we are.
I love music, I love to draw and I can't do either of the things properly without my glasses.. ^^'

- See Ya! xD