When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Many of the gifts i got Christmas eve were movies... And i LOVE movies!
So here's the movies i got. (From the top) Vinterbyøster (danish old movie),
Død Sne (Horror movie from Norway), D.N Angel, the Karate Kid,
Romeo + Julie, Bridget Jones Diary, Shakespeare In Love,
Tenacious D and The Expendables.

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Cats

Hello again... Hope you've had a good Christmas eve, i had :)
I have two cats in my home, a orange and a snowshoe. I've had the orange in 8 years and the snowshoe in 5 years. They are like brothers, fighting and wanting the attention constantly.
They're named Mikkel and Pelle

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well... Soon i't is Christmas... To be honest, i'm not in the mood for it...
I haven't taken pictures for a long time because I've had a lot of things on my mind and you know...
Christmas stress is a synonym for my mom...
So I've looked though my old photos of last year and found a photo of me and my little sister's Snow Girl.
(It's taken with my old digital camera so the quality is not the best)
Yes, the branch on the head is hair. :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Poem - Frustrated

When i feel down, angry, depressed or anything negative.. I write it down.
I probably have about 50 poems in my little book, where i write them.
I also write songs, but i like poems the best :) They're more easy to write ;)

Sitting alone watching the world passing by through the window.
Happy kids with no worries about life.
Looking down my body, feels like i'm old.
Always thinking too much, afraid of mistakes in my life.
My life has only begun to start!
My soul screaming for help, let me be young and stupid like every one else.
Let me enjoy life, smile and have fun.
Gray colors invading my eyes, making my sight dark and cloudy.
Happy moments don't last forever, i live in a cage.
A different life surrounding me, taking me away from my lost thoughts.
But it won't last forever.
No, it won't last forever.
Everything is starting over, and a new day is coming to scare me away.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Julie - My little cousin :)

This is the same person as from the photoshop picture with the legs on. She is my cousin and we had a day where we walked around in the village and took pictures so maybe she will come up again sometimes ;)
Sometimes i feel that home is not my destination for the day, i want something new.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

In the family's backyard

Many people believe that they have to get up early, or go out late to a place,
to get some good pictures. I don't believe that.
I took this photo in the middle of the day in my family's backyard. It's not so hard to find something beautiful in the nature, and every man in the world can take the phone camera, digital camera or professional  camera and take a picture of what they find beautiful. I am not a professional photographer, but i believe that everybody can take as good pictures as prof's ;)
Believe in your self!
- Line
Even in your backyard theres something beautiful, just look real close ;) 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My way of photographing :)

Pictures says more than thousand words, shows emotions that can only be seen in the blink of an eye, or the camera's click. I believe in the natural beauty and therefore you will experience, that my photos isn't taken in any kind of scene. It's just when i feel like taking a picture, that i take it.
When i take pictures with people in it, they're always natural, when they smile, laugh or do anything in a move. I can't take pictures of people sitting on a chair and looking at the camera.
That is also one of the reasons, why i don't take pictures of people so often.
Just a little explanation of my pictures ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Here is some winter photos... i haven't taken so many so they're not the best.
(click on picture for bigger size)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello! I have just started this blog and i don't know how much i will use it but lets see... xD
Maybe i get caught by it ;) I'm going to put pictures on this blog and i hope you will leave a comment, cause i really need your opinions. :)