When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Back again!

Hey again! My computer is still in reparation so I don't know if I'm ever gonna see my pictures ever again.... But, I realized that my camera still had some photos on it so I'll upload some from that.
But I have something positive too... I'm done with my exams! :D I got some great results and right now, I'm just sitting at home relaxing... ;)
This time it's a little unusual, cause normally I don't put up so many pictures of other people but since it's the only photos I got right now I have to live with it :)

I was a little down standing and watching and accident on the track
when I saw this cute big bear dog, and just by looking at it I felt better :)

I like to take pictures of peoples eyes, maybe next time I'll upload all the pic's I got of eyes...

My cousin and my little sister, taking pictures together
This is my dad, or rather, his back :)

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