When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Be patient!

Today and tomorrow I will not upload any pictures because I am very busy ^^' These pictures will be uploaded on Tuesday and Friday I hope! Sit tight!

- see ya!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 5

Today I have been creative all day... or it started after my mid-day nap xD This project will be revealed later on because I know my friends watch my blog and therefore the surprise for them would be ruined ;P

The theme for today was made up by my boyfriend, because I honestly didn't have any idea about what to take pictures of since I was too lazy to go out in the cold weather... But he chose "minimalism" and from that word I got an idea and took some pictures that are what you see down here. Hope you enjoy!

- See ya!

7 day challenge! Day 4

Today's theme is "fun in the basement" and yes, you may interpret that as something totally different than what it actually means, but hey!
I live in a basement okay?!?! So this weekend I have a friend over (seen in the picture below) and therefore I have extra little time for taking pictures so today is kinda messy but lets just say that in my basement nothing is missing... okay I have no food... But I got beer??? ;D

- See Ya!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 3

As mentioned before this is a 7 day project.

Today I have been super busy! No not procastinated-busy, but really really busy!
So the pictures for today (yesterday but schhh!) was all taken with my crappy phone camera… Sorry….
Well the theme for today was "traveling" as I did that a lot today. Hope you enjoy the crappy pictures ;P

- See Ya!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 2

As you can read in my previous post I am doing a 7 day challenge where I take 5 pictures every day and upload.

Today I have been busy doing nothing because I am living the procrastinated life like a damn pro! But because of that I am suddenly very busy and therefore the pictures today where taken very fast! This doesn't mean I was taking pictures like a zombie or anything...
We procrastinators now when to dial up our brains and ask them to get the hell outta bed and work with us ;D
Today's theme is therefore macro as I found my macro lens and had a little fun time in my apartment with it, some of the pictures may or may not have a deeper meaning but you should just interpret it as you like!

- See ya!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 1

Okay so I got this challenge where I have to take at least 5 pictures every day, may it be with my camera, my phone or something third.
This is because of my lack of creativity this past months and a possible way to kickstart it again, all made up by my awesome boyfriend who probably was tired of hearing me complain about being bored but busy and then again without creativity but with so many ideas waiting to be made into reality. ANYGAYS, here is the first 5 pictures, a slow start but hey! I actually got started! xD

Today's theme would be "Home up in north" as we now have winter and it gets dark really soon, so my home isn't very well lit either and therefore the pictures a quite dark too.

More will come tomorrow ;3

- See ya!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Late Halloween

There hasn't really been happening much in my life for the past months, but this probably made me so lazy that my bed looked better than the chance of taking pictures ;P Well, luckily I got friends and one of them is my old roommate from when I lived at a boarding school and she had ideas and energy and all I had to do was grab er camera and take the pictures so that's pretty much what we did. She did the makeup herself and yes I know the pictures are dark and bad but when you're used to your own camera it takes time to get used to others ^^' I do hope you'll get better pictures from me next time but right now this is all I got..

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Electric sight!

HIIIIIII.... eheheh... I was on a trip here in my vacation and one night it started raining a little but suddenly there was lightning all over the sky so I had to grab my camera and take some pictures! Unfortunately I have never tried taking pictures of such phenomenons so I didn't quite know how to install my camera correctly so the pictures didn't end up that well.. But next time I'll be prepared!!! ;D
Hope you all are enjoying your vacations or at least weekends ^^

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mejlgade for Diversity

Hiiii... Sorry I didn't upload last month but had so many things to take care of and so many papers to write so I didn't have the time to take pictures ^^'' Oh well, long story short, this is a couple of pictures from this weekend that I took on a street called Mejlgade in Denmark. Every year they have this event where people from all over the country come to join the feeling of the community and the space for diversity that this event makes. There was over a 100 of different artist playing free concerts, lots of creative stuff and free things one could experience and try. Almost everything from a Sauna to drawing portraits of naked people posing voluntarily.  This is really a great place to be in Denmark if you want to share a beer or an experience with everyone and just be relaxed and have fun!Here are some pictures I took that day (I took about 800 that day) 

A nice old car remade into a nice place for having a conversation.

This man had his own very little "Mystery Museum"

Good food at the event - and beer ;)

You could also try to walk on a line

A very beautiful girl in the middle of a dance

Some acrobats during a show

This half car really got jumped a lot! I was surprised it didn't break!

- See ya xD

Monday, March 4, 2013

A window of mysteries

Soo, yeah.. HI! :D This time I actually felt a little creative and wanted to take these pictures, though what I show you here is only me trying to find out what I can use this little window for. The story behind the window is that I've recently moved to a new house where I got the basement almost for my own (two rooms and a kitchen + bath). I do share the bath/toilet with my mom that lives upstairs though, and that's where the window comes into the story. See, the bath is quite big and that's really nice, but opposite where you shower, this window is located on the wall for everyone that may walk past it in the basement to look at... At first I didn't like it but I then found the creative perspective in it, and decided to make peace with it through these pictures... Hope you enjoy! :D

- See Ya! ;D