When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 1

Okay so I got this challenge where I have to take at least 5 pictures every day, may it be with my camera, my phone or something third.
This is because of my lack of creativity this past months and a possible way to kickstart it again, all made up by my awesome boyfriend who probably was tired of hearing me complain about being bored but busy and then again without creativity but with so many ideas waiting to be made into reality. ANYGAYS, here is the first 5 pictures, a slow start but hey! I actually got started! xD

Today's theme would be "Home up in north" as we now have winter and it gets dark really soon, so my home isn't very well lit either and therefore the pictures a quite dark too.

More will come tomorrow ;3

- See ya!

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