When you fall, it won't help crawling around down there, you must stand and be ready to fall again!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

7 day challenge! Day 2

As you can read in my previous post I am doing a 7 day challenge where I take 5 pictures every day and upload.

Today I have been busy doing nothing because I am living the procrastinated life like a damn pro! But because of that I am suddenly very busy and therefore the pictures today where taken very fast! This doesn't mean I was taking pictures like a zombie or anything...
We procrastinators now when to dial up our brains and ask them to get the hell outta bed and work with us ;D
Today's theme is therefore macro as I found my macro lens and had a little fun time in my apartment with it, some of the pictures may or may not have a deeper meaning but you should just interpret it as you like!

- See ya!

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